
Immersive vs Traditional Theater by Yelena Blank

As an immersive theater enthusiast, I often field questions from friends and family about why I’m so into immersive, and what it even is. This 4-part series is my attempt to answer those questions, at least a little bit. This is part 4, "Immersive vs. Traditional Theater."  You can also read part 1, ("What is Immersive Theater, Anyway"), part 2 ("Why do I Love Immersive Theater So Much?") and part 3 ("“Immersive vs. Other Interactive Theater.")  

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Immersive vs. Other Interactive Theater by Yelena Blank

As an immersive theater enthusiast, I often field questions from friends and family about why I’m so into immersive, and what it even is. This 4-part series is my attempt to answer those questions, at least a little bit. This is part 3, “Immersive vs. Other Interactive Theater."  You can also read part 1, ("What is Immersive Theater, Anyway") and part 2 ("Why do I Love Immersive Theater So Much?").  Look for part 4 (“Immersive vs. Traditional Theater”) next week.

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​​​​​​​Why Do I Love Immersive Theater So Much? by Yelena Blank

As an immersive theater enthusiast, I often field questions from friends and family about why I’m so into immersive, and what it even is. This 4-part series is my attempt to answer those questions, at least a little bit. This is part 2, "Why do I Love Immersive Theater So Much?" You can also read part 1, ("What is Immersive Theater, Anyway").  Look for part 3 (“Immersive vs. Other Interactive Theater”), and part 4 (“Immersive vs. Traditional Theater”) in the next couple of weeks.

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What is Immersive Theater, Anyway? by Yelena Blank

As an immersive theater enthusiast, I often field questions from friends and family about why I’m so into immersive, and what it even is. This 4-part series is my attempt to answer those questions, at least a little bit. This is part 1, “What is Immersive Theater, Anyway?” Look for part 2 (“Why Do I Love Immersive Theater So Much?”), part 3 (“Immersive vs. Other Interactive Theater”), and part 4 (“Immersive vs. Traditional Theater”) in the next few weeks.

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